Why did we write root knowledge: A Budtender’s Guide to Cannabis?

Why did we write root knowledge: A Budtender’s Guide to Cannabis?

Why did we write Root Knowledge: A Budtender’s Guide to Cannabis? Because we saw a gap, and we had a vision. 🚀

In the brand new industry of cannabis, dispensaries have often put education on the back burner, considering it an activity to engage in off the clock. We witnessed the struggle: budtenders craving knowledge, dispensaries facing a training void, and customers coming in with questions.

Root Knowledge was born from a commitment to fill this gap. We believe in empowering budtenders, the backbone of the cannabis experience, with the right tools. Our mission is to make cannabis training accessible, empowering, and impactful, specifically for budtenders.

With Root Knowledge, we aim to cultivate a community of knowledgeable professionals who not only elevate their careers but also contribute to a positive, informed cannabis culture. Join us on this educational journey, and let's grow together.

If you’re ready to start an exciting career in a dispensary, sign up for Root Knowledge today!

Follow @takeroottraining if you believe in knowledgeable budtenders!

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