Here are a few ways dispensaries can support budtenders

Here are a few ways dispensaries can support budtenders

We asked budtenders what they needed to feel more supported by their management. Here’s what they had to say:

So what would happen if dispensaries were able to implement some of this feedback?

Imagine how morale would change with more support for budtenders?

Confident and empowered budtenders know how to lead a customer through the wide range of inventory at a dispensary. They know how to develop relationships with customers to keep them coming back. They’re your ticket to keeping product moving!

At the very least, incentivizing education and group learning activities are excellent places to start, because they benefit the budtenders AND your store, so really it’s a win-win!

Here are some ways you can encourage education for budtenders:

🌱 paying or reimbursing for educational seminars or events;

🌱 sponsoring regular group trips to local vendors’ farms;

🌱 increasing pay for more knowledge, certifications, or continuing education;

🌱 buy out product for staff to sample, so they can provide recommendations (beyond the vendor samples whenever possible so there is a wider variety available, especially when you have a big staff);

🌱 consider bonuses and grocery gift cards during holidays to support extra expenses for families;

🌱 prioritize training that is integrated with your products with A Trainer’s Guide

As a dispensary, one of the best investments you can make is into your staff. If you’re ready to level up your game with training resources for your crew, schedule a call to see how Take Root Training can help!

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